Nov 2024 | SEALab contributes to the Festival della Creatività Italiana 2024 in Boston, USA with a three-day workshop and Laboratory talk on Robotics and Mechatronics, in conjunction with Consolato Generale d'Italia in Boston. |
Sept 2024 | SEALab contributes to the Festival della Comunicazione 2024 in Camogli, with a talk on Come sarà il mondo quando sarò grande, in conjunction with notable speaker Massimo Temporelli. |
Sept 2024 | SEALab contributes to the Festival della Comunicazione 2024 in Camogli, with an exhibiton of research and technologies on Elettronica in passeggiata , organized by the Course of Eletronics and Infornation Technologies (IETI), and in cooperation with ST Microelectronics. |
Feb 2024 | SEALab participates at the 199th CoffeeTech event, organized by Confindustria Genova, with a talk on Challenges in the Electronic Support of Artificial Intelligence Technologies. |
Feb 2024 | SEALab organizes a Focus event L’approccio Europeo all’Intelligenza Artificiale in Genova, with a presentation by On. Brando Benifei, (link), speaker at the EU Parliament on the AI Act, for the Regulation of AI in Europe. |
Jan 2024 | SEALab contributes to the event Giornata Mondiale della Pace in Genova, with a talk about Intelligenze Artificiali e Pace, (link) organized by Comunità di S. Egidio. |
Dec 2023 | SEALab contributes to the AIRO Meeting in Camogli, with a pitch about Cyber Security nella Sanità, organized by AIRO (Italian Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology) and involving physicians and scientists from Liguria, Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta. |
Dec 2023 | SEALab contributes to the AMAS Course in Genova, with a lesson about issues and technologies in Cyber Security, organized by University of Genova and offered to top managers in Health Institution Nation-wide. |
Sept 2023 | SEALab contributes to the Sharper - Notte Europea dei Ricercatori in Genova, with apitch talk about research and technologies in Electronics, title Elettronica Indossabile in Genova, organized by University of Genova. |
Sept 2023 | SEALab contributes to the Festival della Comunicazione 2023 in Camogli, with an exhibiton of research and technologies on Elettronica in passeggiata in Genova, organized by the Course of Eletronics and Infornation Technologies (IETI), and in cooperation with ST Microelectronics. |
Jan 2023 | SEALab contributes to the Cycle of seminars on Intelligenza artificiale e IT: sviluppo e prospettive della comunicazione tra passato e futuro in Genova, organized by Unige Senior, with a lecture on Potenzialità espresse e inespresse dell’intelligenza artificiale nella civiltà di oggi e domani. |
Oct 2022 | SEALab participates in the Workshop on Technologies for Space in Genova, organized by CTI Liguria and Ordine degli Ingegneri, with a talk on Human Life in Space and related Technologies. |
Oct 2022 | SEALab contributes to the Dangerous Days theatrical event in Bologna, a three-episode play inspired to the novels by Philip K. Dick, with a mechatronic set-up about "Birth of an Android memory". |
Sept 2022 | SEALab contributes to the European Night of Researchers (Sharper Night) 2022 in genova, an international-level event, with a Demo and Talk session on "Frontiers of Electronics and Application of A.I.". |
Sept 2022 | SEALab contributes to the Festival della Comunicazione in Camogli, with a focus laboratory entitled Unexpected mechatronics, with a considerable success in audience. Info here. |
May 2022 | SEALab organizes a seminar/round table on Piracy in the Seas across History, with contributions by Institutions (Italian Navy) and history experts in the field. The programme of the event and details can be found here. |
February 2022 | SEALab contributes to the event Cyber Security nell'ambito marittimo-portuale organized by AssoArmatori with a talk on Il ruolo formativo dell'Università nella Cyber Security. |
September 2021 | SEALab contributes to the Summer School in Media Ecology e Comunicazione Digitale with a lecture on CyberSecurity and CyberSafety. |
October 2019 | SEALab contributes to the Seminar on Infrastructures with Optical-fiber and 5G-Networks with a talk on Artificial Intelligence, Security and Internet of Things: New Challenges in a 5G-connected World. Click here for details about the event. |
June 2019 | SEALab contributes to the Summer School in Media Ecology e Comunicazione Digitale with a lecture on CyberSecurity and CyberSafety. |
May 2019 | SEALab contributes to the 4th Forum on Shipowners and Shipbuilding at a round table on Cyber Security and Autonomous Ships. |
October 2018 | SEALab contributes to the Acqui Storia Prize with a lecture on Social Media and Awareness in Cyber Security. |
June 2018 | SEALab contributes to the IV Forum Nazionale Giovani PM organized by IPMA with a contribution to a Round Table on Management and Innovation in Industry 4.0. |
June 2018 | SEALab contributes to the final event of the series of meetings App-erivito 4.0 organized by FederManager with a contribution to a Round Table on Industry and University for the new Manager. |
May 2018 | SEALab contributes to the AEIT Seminar on "Nuove Frontiere della Cyber Security" with a talk on Tecnologie di OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) e ruolo dei social media nella cyber security. More info here. |
February 2018 | SEALab presents a pair of seminars on Robotics and Mechatronics at Liceo Scientifico Lanfranconi, at Genova Sestri Ponente, for introduciong high-school students to basic notions and themes in applied embedded systems. |
January 2018 | SEALab presents a series of seminars on Technology, Electronics and Maechatronics at "Comprensivo Scuola Bella" in Acqui Terme (AL), for introducing youngsters to basic notions in technology and applied embedded systems. See here press coverage of this event |
January 2018 | SEALab contributes to the UniversiKids event, organized by University of Genova, with a hands-on Laboratory "La meccatronica divertente: caccia al tesoro", an introduction to mechatronics, educational robotics and electronics offered to kids and teenagers. |
November 2017 | SEALab participates in a radio interview broadcast by Radio Babboleo News on Cyber Security and cyber Crime. |
November 2017 | SEALab contributes to the cultural dissemination initiative "AppEritivo 4.0" organized by FederManager ASDAI - Liguria, with a speech on Cyber Security and CyberCrime in Companies and Business. See here for details. |
October 2017 | SEALab holds a Course "Introduction to Mechatronics" offered to youngsters and adults, which presents basics in embedded low-costs systems (Arduino) at Istituto S.G. Calasanzio in Genova. |
September 2017 | SEALab contributes and animates a workshop on electronics, mechatronics and educational robotics at the Festival della Comunicazione, in Camogli, a national-relevance event co-organized by University of Genova. |
March 2017 | SEALab contributes and animates two workshops on electronics, mechatronics and educational robotics at the Ventimila Laboratori sopra il Mare event organized by University of Genova. |
July 2016 | SEALab supervises and animates the diffusion of culture in electronics, mechatronics and educational robotics at the Robot Invasion event. |
June 2016 | SEALab contributes to the UniverCity event, organized by the University of Genova, with a stand on mechatronics technologies end educational robotics. |
March 2016 | The RoboFriends Team, the educational robotics and mechatronics team tutored by SEALAB wins the Robot Game and the Final Four competition at the First LEGO League (Italian National Tournament), with the best-performing robot nation-wide. In addition, the Robofriends qualify to the Philippine Islands Open International (Cebu, Philippines, June 2016) tournament. |
February 2016 | SEALab contributes to the Event Stampa 3D: la terza dimensione del business with a lecture on 3D printing and its impact on SME business. This event is co-organized by Confartigianato La Spezia and Ordine degli Ingegneri - La Spezia. |
January 2016 | The RoboFriends Team, the educational robotics and mechatronics team tutored by SEALAB wins the North-West qualifiers of the First LEGO League (Italian Chapter) and in addition gains access to the Italian Final Tournament. |
December 2015 | SEALAb members Federica Bisio, Paolo Gastaldo, Rodolfo Zunino, Christian Gianoglio, and Edoardo Ragusa win the Best Paper Award at the Extreme Learning Machines Conference (ELM 2015), Hangzhou, China, with the paper "Learning With Similarity Functions: A Novel Design for the Extreme Learning Machine" |
December 2015 - January 2016 | SEALab contributes with UNICEF to a series of five local events on education in Mechatronics, offered to the primary/upper schools in Liguria -- "Orientamento scolastico verso competenze digitali (Meccatronica, robotica e nuove tecnologie) nel contesto dell'economia circolare (SDGs) per un mondo a misura di bambino". |
December 2015 | SEALAb members Federica Bisio, Paolo Gastaldo, Rodolfo Zunino, Christian Gianoglio, and Edoardo Ragusa win the Best Paper Award at the Extreme Learning Machines Conference (ELM 2015), Hangzhou, China, with the paper "Learning With Similarity Functions: A Novel Design for the Extreme Learning Machine" |
June 2015 | SEALab contributes to the UNICEF XVII Interdisciplinary Course on Education to Growth with a lecture on Social Networks, Web Platforms and Security in the Web. This lecture frames within UNICEF's Programme on "City friend to children". |
May 2015 | SEALab contributes to the Aizoon4Talent Open Day with a lecture on Cyber Security: la difesa nell'Internet era. This event is framed within the Master Course (lev II) in CyberSecurity and Data Protection, and is offered to young professionals and students in the ICT Community. |
March 2015 | SEALAb's sponsored Team RoboFriends wins the prestigious "Best Scientific Communication" Award in the Italian Championship on Educational Robotics - FIRST LEGO League, and qualifies among the top-ten best teams in the Country. |
February 2015 | The RoboFriends Team, the educational robotics and mechatronics team tutored by SEALAB participates in the North-West play-off competition and qualifies to the Italian Final Tournament of the First LEGO League (Italian Chapter). |
September 2014 | SEALab contributes to the professional and scientific update of Italian State Police Personnel, in conjunction with Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni, with a series of focused seminars on Windows 8 Forensics and Design and Maintenance of Network Infrastructures |
May 2014 | SEALab and DITEN host, in joint organization with IISFA and ReailtyNet, the 7th Edition of the IISFA Forum 2014 . This prestigious event (May 23-24, 2014) gathers the most important Italian Institutions and professionals in the area of Computer forensics and digital investigation. |
November 2013 | SEALab contributes to the IISFA Seminar 2013 with a talk on Windows 8 Forensics . The event (Nov 29th, 2013) gathers the most important Italian Institutions and professionals in the area of Computer forensics abd digital investigation. |
October 2013 | SEALab contributes to a meeting on Critical Infrastructure Protection at the Italian Ministry of Environment and Land, dealing with Cyber-security issues about intrusion prevention and site security. |
May 2013 | SEALab is invited to the IISFA Forum 2013 and contributes with a talk on Text Mining in Computer Forensics and Investigation Support. The event (May 24th, 2013) gathers the most important Italian Institutions and professionals in the area of Computer forensics abd digital investigation. See here for program and additional info. |
May 2013 | SEALab is invited to the Computer Day Initiative by Istituto Liceti - Rapallo . The event (May 4th, 2013) covers important dissemination aspects related to a safe/secure use of Web-based technologies, especially for the younger. See here for local press coverage. |
November 2012 | SEALab contributes to a joint Course on Cyber Security and WiFi Network Security with the Italian Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni - Genoa Dept. The event (Nov/Dec 2012) offers Law-Enforcement Officers the opportunity to get updated on recent advances in the protection of information, computers and communications. |
March 2012 | SEALab contributes to the INMOTOS Workshop with a talk on "Managing complexity in the Security of Critical Infrastructures". The outline of this Workshop can be found here. The Workshop (March 29th, 2012) gathers European researchers and experts in the area of Critical Infrastructure Protection, and is organized within the EU project INMOTOS. |
November 2011 | SEALab contributes to the Meeting AIPSA on "La Cyber Security per le Infrastrutture Critiche" with a talk on "Data Intensive Security". The outline of this Workshop can be found here. This important event gathers researchers and professionals throughout Italy in the area of Security for Enterprises and Corporates, and is jointly organized by AIPSA and Ansaldo STS. |
February 2011 | SEALab co-organizes with Ansaldo STS and Aizoon a national-wide event, framed within the celebrations by Faculty of Engineering for the 140th Anniversary of the "Regia Scuola Navale di Ingegneria": La Governance della Sicurezza delle Informazioni in Italia: stato dell'arte e nuove prospettive. This one-day meeting is centered on crucial aspects in the governance and management of critical information for Security; the Program benefits from prestigious contributions from the highest Institutional positions, research scientists, and top-level managers from Industry. The Meeting takes place at the Headquarters of the Faculty of Engineering (Genoa University, Villa Cambiaso) and is held on February 18th, 2011. |
January 2011 | SEALab contributes with a talk to a meeting at CTI Liguria on January 25th, 2011 on the Governance of Information Security. The event (in Italian) is focused on La protezione delle Informazioni: Normazione e Governance and gathers eminent contributors in the area of standardization and governance in Security for Business. the Program can be found here. |
September 2010 | SEA Lab participates in the Speed Dating event, framed within the Matching Innovazione convention in Genoa (28-29 Sept), sponsored by FinMeccanica and coordinated by CDO Liguria. |
June 2010 | Please read the article appeared in the Ansaldo STS NewsLetter, "ASTSNEWS - Innovation and Excellence", where (page 4) the successful joint activities between SEA Lab and Ansaldo STS are highlighted. |
June 2010 | Please read national press article commenting on activities at SEA Lab in conjnction with INGV on undersea security research. Appeared in "Il Secolo XIX" on June 6th, 2010. |
November 2009 | SEA Lab organizes with Ansaldo STS and the Faculty of Engineering a one-day Meeting on Information security in Business. The Meeting takes place at the Headquarters of the Faculty of Engineering (Genoa University, Villa Cambiaso) and is held on November 6, 2009. This national-scope event gathers invited speakers about the issues in ICT security for the business, covering prominent experts that belong to the institutional, business and academic communities. |
September 2009 | SEA Lab announces the second edition of the International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Security in Information Systems (CISIS '09) - Burgos, 24-25 September 2009. This world-wide event offers an insight into the use of learning methods for security, and the brilliant scientific organization by the GICAP Group of Burgos University iterates in that beautiful Spanish city the initiative of 2008. |
May 2009 | SEA Lab contributes to the teaching activities in a High-level Master Course in "Sustainability, Safety and Security in Transportation Systems", funded by FSE (European Fund for Society) and Regione Luguria. |
February 2009 | SEA Lab gladly contributes, within the realm of the Faculty of Engineering of Genoa University, to the local event organized by the Business Association Italy America (BAIA). This BAIA event is a first-time ever in Genova, and this year's topic focuses on technologies and perspectives for Web 2.0. |
November 2008 | SEA Lab contributes to Focus Seminars on Computer Security, involving Turin Polytechnic, Milan Polytechnic, and Genova University. This important series is organized by Aizoon and SVIEC within the fourth Silicon Valley Study Tour 2008. The Genoa event will be hosted by the Faculty of Engineering of Genoa University. More info at |
October 2008 | SEA Lab announces the first edition of the International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Security in Information Systems (CISIS '08) - Genova, 23-24 October 2008. This world-wide event is sponsored by Ansaldo STS Spa and Elsag Datamat Spa, and is technically co-sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) through their Computational Intelligence Society (CIS). |
December 2007 | SEA Lab is awarded a grant from Parco Scientitico e Tecnologico della Regione Liguria for technology transfer in data- and text-mining methods in data-intensive applications for e-governemnt, environmental and transport domains. |
November 2007 | SEA Lab starts a three-year cooperation with the NATO Undersea Research Center (NURC) and the National Institute for Geophysics and Vulcanology (INGV) for a PhD grant in embedded electronics for the detection and characterization of magnetic weak signals. |
June 2007 | SEA Lab organizes, in conjunction with the Genoa Office of Ordine degli Ingegneri, a three-day seminar on Information Security and Forensics. Day 1: June 26 - Security Attacks and Defenses - Prof. R.Zunino, Dr. F.Picasso; Day 2: July 3 - Legal issues in information security - Studio Avv. G.Sciacchitano & D.Andrei; Day 3: July 10 - Information Forensics - Prof. D.Forte |
October 2006 | Local press article (Il Secolo XIX, Oct 5th 2006) presents SEA Lab's contribution to the Laurea degree in Electronics Engineering. |
May 2006 | SEA Lab and Elsag Datamat SpA jointly offer a Course Suite in Network Security with intensive LabWork and Official Certification |
November 2005 | SEA Lab contributes to the CRUI-Finmeccanica Workshop on Security. |
August 2005 | Our Lab has been granted by Fondazione Carige with a three-year Doctorate in Intelligent Electronics for Security. |